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The Godfather - Love Theme (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Titanic - My Heart Will Go On (Başlangıç Seviyesi)
Titanic - My Heart Will Go On (Very Easy Level)
Titanic - My Heart Will Go On (Easy Level)
Titanic - My Heart Will Go On (Kolay/Orta Seviye)
The Godfather (Baba) - Love Müziği (Çok Kolay Seviye, Solo Gitar)
The Godfather (Baba) - Love Film Müziği (Kolay Seviye, Solo Gitar)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Guitar)
The Godfather (Baba) - Love Film Müziği(Orta Seviye, Solo Gitar)
Coco - La Llorona (Başlangıç Seviye, Orkestrayla)
Coco - La Llorona (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Coco - La Llorona (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Coco - La Llorona (Intermediate/Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Coco - La Llorona (Beginner Level, Solo Guitar)
Coco - La Llorona (Very Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Coco - La Llorona (Intermediate Level, Solo Guitar)
Coco - La Llorona (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Guitar)
Coco - La Llorona (Kolay Seviye, Düet)
Coco - La Llorona (Intermediate Level, Duet)
Coco - La Llorona (Advanced Level, accompaniment Guitar)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Beginner Level, with Orchestra)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Very Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Guitar)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Intermediate Level, Solo Guitar)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Guitar)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Advanced Level, Solo Guitar)
Muhteşem Showman - A Million Dreams (Çok Kolay Seviye, Orkestrayla)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Easy Level, with Orchestra)