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Ave Maria (Very Easy Level)
Czarodziejski flet, KV 620, Aria Papagena z I aktu "Das Klinget so herrlich" (z fortepianem)
Sonata for Flute and Piano, FP 164 - III. Presto giocoso
In Spring's Beginning, K. 597
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) (Easy Level)
Koncert na flet, harfę i orkiestrę C - dur KV 299 - cz. II Andantino
Forrest Gump - Temat
Siete de Abril
Morning Has Broken
Arabeska nr 1, L. 66
Suite de trois morceaux op. 116 - nr 2 Idylle
The Tales of Hoffmann – Barcarolle
Flute Sonata in B-Flat major, Anh.4 - IV. Theme with Variations: Allegretto (Arrangement)
Symphony No. 9, Opus 125 - IV. Finale: Ode to Joy (Flute 1)
The Four Seasons 'Spring' - I. Allegro (Beginner Level)
The Four Seasons 'Spring' - I. Allegro (Easy Level)
The Four Seasons 'Spring' - I. Allegro (Intermediate Level)
The Four Seasons 'Spring' - I. Allegro (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Flute Concerto No. 2 in D major, K.314 - III. Rondo. Allegretto
Ave Maria (Easy Level)
Wariacje na temat Rossiniego
Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067 - VII. Badinerie (Very Easy Level)
Czarodziejski flet, KV 620, Aria Papagena z I aktu "Das Klinget so herrlich"
Blowin' in the Wind (Very Easy Level)
Blowin' in the Wind (Intermediate Level)
Blowin' in the Wind (Advanced Level)
Fly Me to the Moon (Very Easy Level)
Fly Me to the Moon (Easy Level)
Fly Me to the Moon (dla średnio zaawansowanych)
Fly Me to the Moon (dla zaawansowanych)