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Alleluja (dla poczatkujących, fortepian solo)
Alleluja (poziom łatwy/średnio zaawansowany, fortepian solo)
A Sky Full of Stars (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Viva La Vida (Chris Martin - wokal, fortepian, orkiestra)
Hallelujah (Voice Leonard Cohen, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Alleluja (poziom śednio zaawansowany, fortepian solo)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Intermediate/Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Voice Chris Martin, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Adventure of a Lifetime (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Something Just Like This (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Something Just Like This (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Something Just Like This (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Something Just Like This (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Something Just Like This (Intermediate/Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Something Just Like This (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Something Just Like This (Voice Chris Martin, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Something Just Like This (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Something Just Like This (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Something Just Like This (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Something Just Like This (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)