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Forrest Gump - Temat
Soleil printanier
I Can See Clearly Now (Advanced Level)
I Can See Clearly Now (Intermediate Level)
I Can See Clearly Now (Easy Level)
I Can See Clearly Now (Beginner Level)
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) (Easy Level)
Morning Has Broken
Siete de Abril
Cztery pory roku - "Wiosna", cz. I Allegro
Nad pięknym modrym Dunajem
Die Loreley (Lorelei)
The Tales of Hoffmann – Barcarolle
On the Green Meadow, Opus 99 - No. 6 Spring Morning
Das Blümchen Wunderhold, Opus 52 No. 8
In Spring's Beginning, K. 597
Sonata No. 1 in F major - III. Allegro
Concerto in E-flat major – III. Allegro
Italian Suite for B-flat Trumpet and Piano – I. Allegro
Myrthen, Opus 25 - No. 3 Der Nussbaum (Very Easy Level)
Myrthen, Opus 25 - No. 3 Der Nussbaum (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Blowin' in the Wind (Very Easy Level)
Blowin' in the Wind (Intermediate Level)
Blowin' in the Wind (Advanced Level)
Fly Me to the Moon (Very Easy Level)
Fly Me to the Moon (łatwe)
Fly Me to the Moon (dla średnio zaawansowanych)
Fly Me to the Moon (dla zaawansowanych)
Ave Maria Cacciniego
La traviata - « Libiamo ne' lieti calici » (Very Easy Level)