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Now and Then (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Now and Then (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Follow You (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Follow You (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Glimpse of Us (Very Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Glimpse of Us (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Oops!... I Did It Again (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Oops!... I Did It Again (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Price Tag (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele) - Acoustic Version
Price Tag (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele) - Acoustic Version
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Beginner Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
I'm Yours (dla początkujących)
I'm Yours (łatwe)
Tout le bonheur du monde (łatwe, akompaniament na ukulele)
Tout le bonheur du monde (łatwe/dla średnio zaawansowanych, akompaniament na ukulele)
Millionaire (bardzo łatwe, akompaniament na ukulele)
Millionaire (łatwe/dla średnio zaawansowanych, akompaniament na ukulele)
Just Breathe (Very Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Just Breathe (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Just Breathe (dla średnio zaawansowanych, akompaniament na ukulele)
Seventeen Going Under (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Seventeen Going Under (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Daughters (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Daughters (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
The Closest Thing to Crazy (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
The Closest Thing to Crazy (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Men Who March Away' - The Closest Thing to Crazy (Easy Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Men Who March Away' - The Closest Thing to Crazy (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)
Irreplaceable (Beginner Level, Accompaniment Ukulele)