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Alleluja (łatwe)
Hijo de la Luna (Very Easy Level)
Hijo de la Luna (Easy Level)
Hijo de la Luna (Intermediate Level)
Alleluja (I skrzypce)
Hallelujah (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Alleluja (dla średnio zaawansowanych)
Alleluja (dla zaawansowanych)
Hallelujah (Violin 2)
Don't Stop Believin' (Easy Level)
Don't Stop Believin' (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Don't Stop Believin' (Intermediate Level)
Comme toi (Very Easy Level)
Comme toi (Easy Level)
Comme toi (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Running Up That Hill (Very Easy Level)
Running Up That Hill (Easy Level)
Running Up That Hill (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Right Here Waiting (Very Easy Level)
Right Here Waiting (Easy Level)
Right Here Waiting (Intermediate Level)
The Irish Rover (Easy Level)
The Irish Rover (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Livin' on a Prayer (Very Easy Level)
Livin' on a Prayer (Easy Level)
Livin' on a Prayer (Intermediate Level)
Englishman in New York (Easy Level)
Englishman in New York (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Englishman in New York (Intermediate Level)