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için bir şey bulunamadı
Başka bir şey aramak ister misiniz?
L'encre de tes yeux (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
J'irai où tu iras (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Le jour s'est levé (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
L'Aigle Noir (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Les Mots bleus (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Les Mots bleus (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Ta reine (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Comme d'habitude (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Intermediate/Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Je te promets (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Cette année-là (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
La Tendresse (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
La Tendresse (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Une nuit sur son épaule (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Gondolier (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Je suis malade (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Lettre à France (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Pour le plaisir (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Encore un soir (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Alors on danse (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Amsterdam (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
S'il suffisait d'aimer (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Encore un matin (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Mademoiselle chante le Blues (Upper Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Je ne suis pas un héros (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
J'irai où tu iras (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Le jour s'est levé (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
La grenade (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
L'oiseau et l'enfant (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)