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Rusalka, Op. 114 - Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém (Song to the Moon) - SOPRANO
Carmen - Habanera
Die schöne Müllerin (The Maid of the Mill), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 19 'The Miller and the Brook'
Lesson I. - A. The Scale
To Sylvia, D. 891, Opus 106 No. 4
Liederalbum für die Jugend, Opus 79 - No. 14 The Orphan
Like to a Linden Tree, Opus 31 - No. 3 Jsem jako lípa košatá
God Be In My Head
Grandfather Clock
Sept mélodies, Opus 2 - No. 6 Hébé, A Greek song in Phrygian Mode
Simple Songs, Opus 76 - No. 52 Mariä Wiegenlied
5 Songs, Opus 26 - No. 4 The First Primrose (Med en Primula veris)
Minnelied (Love Song), D.429
Sweet and Low
A Child's Garland of Songs, Opus 30 - No. 4 Windy Nights
Bliss (Seligkeit), D.433
The Mikado - The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring
Jeg Elsker Dig
Lesson I. - B. Skips of Thirds
Lesson II. - A. Skips of Fourths
Lesson II. - B. Skips of Fifths
Lesson III. - Skips of Sixths
Lesson IV. - A. Skips of Sevenths
Lesson IV. - B. Skips of Octaves
Lesson V. - Semitones
Lesson VI. - Syncopes
Lesson VII.
Lesson VIII. (Andante)
Lesson IX. - A. (Allegro)
Lesson IX. - B. The Mordent in Different Styles