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The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492 - Voi che sapete (Intermediate Level)
Giustino - Vedro con mio diletto (Easy Level)
Giustino - Vedro con mio diletto (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Oblivion (Very Easy Level)
Dido and Aeneas - When I Am Laid in Earth (Easy Level)
Dido and Aeneas - When I Am Laid in Earth (Intermediate Level)
Erbarme dich, mein Gott, BWV 244 (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Erbarme dich, mein Gott, BWV 244 (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Preghiera (Easy Level)
Preghiera (Easy/Intermediate Level)
The Marriage of Figaro, K.492 - Dove sono (Easy Level)
The Marriage of Figaro, K.492 - Dove sono (Intermediate Level)
Une Larme (Adapted for french horn)
Theodora, HWV 68 - As With Rosy Steps the Morn (Very Easy Level)
Theodora, HWV 68 - As With Rosy Steps the Morn (Easy Level)
Theodora, HWV 68 - As With Rosy Steps the Morn (Intermediate Level)
Il Trovatore - Tu vedrai che amore in terra (Easy Level)
Il Trovatore - Tu vedrai che amore in terra (Intermediate Level)
Dioclesian, Z.627 - Since from my dear Astrea's sight (Easy Level)
Dioclesian, Z.627 - Since from my dear Astrea's sight (Intermediate Level)
Dioclesian, Z.627 - Since from My Dear Astrea's Sight (Advanced Level)
Boléro (Easy Level)
Bolero (dla średnio zaawansowanych)
Boléro (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Lieder und Gesänge - Vol. 1, No. 5 Phantasie (Imagination) (Easy Level)
Lieder und Gesänge - Vol. 1, No. 5 Phantasie (Imagination) (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Madama Butterfly - Un bel di vedremo (Easy Level)
Madama Butterfly - Un bel di vedremo (Intermediate Level)
Madama Butterfly - Un bel di vedremo (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Waltz for John and Mary