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Envole-moi - Rhodes and Orchestra (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Il suffirait de presque rien (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime - Original Version (Advanced Level, Voices, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Intermediate Level, Voices, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Easy/Intermediate Level, Voices, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Easy Level, Voices, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Intermediate/Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Mais je t'aime (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Le droit à l'erreur (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Le droit à l'erreur (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Le droit à l'erreur (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Le droit à l'erreur (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Le droit à l'erreur (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Le droit à l'erreur (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Le droit à l'erreur (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Le droit à l'erreur (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Le droit à l'erreur (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Love Me Please Love Me (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Love Me Please Love Me (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)