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When Daisies Pied (Tenor Sax)
The farmer – The Ploughboy (Tenor Sax)
Uri Tzion (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Very Easy)
Rozhinkes mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds) (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Beginner)
Zemer Atik (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Beginner)
Vehaeir Eineinu (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Very Easy)
Sher (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Beginner)
Sher (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Easy)
The Blessing Nigun (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Easy)
Let's Sing (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Intermediate)
By the Beautiful Sea (Tenor Sax)
Freilechs von der Chuppe (Tenor Sax)
Stenka Razin (Tenor Sax)
Carnival of the Animals - Finale (Tenor Sax)
Album for the Young , Opus 68, Book I - No. 3 Humming Song (Tenor Sax)
An Alexis (Tenor Sax)
Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus (Tenor Sax)
Spring Dance - Nordic folk dance No. 5, Opus 3 (Tenor Sax)
Waves of the Danube – Coda (Tenor Sax)
Old Black Joe (Alto Saxophone)
Now Is the Month of Maying (Alto Saxophone)
Shadows (Alto Saxophone)
Variations on a Theme by Haydn ('St. Anthony Variations'), Opus 56 - I. Theme. Andante (Tenor Sax)
2 German Dances, D. 783, Opus 33 (No. 9 and No. 2) (Tenor Sax)
Children's Album, Opus 39 - No. 5 March of the Wooden Soldiers (Tenor Sax)
Abigail Judge (Alto Saxophone)
Orchésographie - Buffens (Tenor Sax)
Come to Me (Spiritual) (Alto Saxophone)
Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206 : Magnificat (Tenor Sax)