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Lady Madonna (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Lady Madonna (Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Lady Madonna (Very Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Lady Madonna (Beginner Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
A Fool for Your Stockings
Million Dollar Man
Hungry Heart
I'm So Excited
Bird on the Wire
The Sound of Silence (Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
The Sound of Silence (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
The Sound of Silence
I Am a Rock (Very Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
I Am a Rock (Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
I Am a Rock (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Welcome to the Black Parade
Back to Black (dla średnio zaawansowanych, gitara, wokal i orkiestra)
Back to Black
Dust in the Wind (With piano score, Beginner Level)
Back to Black (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Dust in the Wind (With piano score, Easy Level)
Dust in the Wind (With piano score, Intermediate Level)
Dust in the Wind
Stay With Me (Beginner Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Stay With Me (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Stay With Me (Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)