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English Ballad (Clarinet 2)
Água de Beber (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Kingston Town (Advanced Level)
American Patrol (Beginner Level)
Morning Has Broken
The Sky is Blue and White (Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen)
The Barley Break
Finnish Folk Song
Oh! Susanna (Clarinet 2)
English Ballad (Clarinet 3)
Salsa (Easy Level)
Água de Beber (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
The Water is Wide (Easy Level)
Raglan Road (Intermediate Level)
The Devil Among the Tailors
I Love my Love
Se canto (Clarinet 2)
Pata Pata (Beginner Level)
Pata Pata (Easy Level)
The House of The Rising Sun (Intermediate Level)
Jesusita en Chihuahua
Por una Cabeza
By the Beautiful Sea
Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus
The Rune of the Weaver
A Rose There Bloomed
Sailor's Song