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Die Loreley (Lorelei) (Alto Saxophone)
Freut euch des Lebens (Life Let Us Cherish) (Alto Saxophone)
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary, Z.860 (Tenor Sax)
Gavotte in D major (Tenor Sax)
Divertimento in C major, K.188 - VI. Gavotte (Alto Saxophone)
100 Progressive Studies, Opus 139 - No. 10 Sunrise (Tenor Sax)
The Sky is Blue and White (Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen) (Alto Saxophone)
2 German Dances, D. 783, Opus 33 (No. 9 and No. 2) (Alto Saxophone)
Ländler No. 6 in C major, D. 366 (Alto Saxophone)
Two Songs, Opus 2 - No. 1 In the Ruins of an Abbey (Tenor Sax)
Menuet en Rondeau (Minuet in Rondo Form) (Alto Saxophone)
Sailor's Song (Alto Saxophone)
Lamento d'Arianna (Alto Saxophone)
Piano Sonata No. 5 in G major, Hob.XVI:11 - I. Presto (Tenor Sax)
Linden Lea (Tenor Sax)
Album of selected pieces arranged for piano – No. 10 Tower Hill (Alto Saxophone)
The Sound of Safed (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Intermediate)
Trumpet Tune (Tenor Sax)
Brejeiro (Tenor Sax)
Jesusita en Chihuahua (Tenor Sax)
Soldiers' March (Tenor Sax)
2 Piano Sonatinas, WoO Anh.5 - No. 1 in G Major - I. Moderato (Alto Saxophone)
Coracao que sente (Tenor Sax)
Beija-Flor (Tenor Sax)
William Tell - Overture - Call to the Cows (Alto Saxophone)
Norma - March (Tenor Sax)
L'elisir d'amore (The Elixir of Love) – Barcarolle (Tenor Sax)
Spring Dance - Nordic folk dance No. 5, Opus 3 (Alto Saxophone)
Waves of the Danube – Waltz No. 2 (Tenor Sax)
Chez le docteur (At the Doctor's) (Tenor Sax)