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Hallelujah (Orta Seviye, alto sax)
Ave Maria (Alto Saksafon)
Hallelujah (Kolay Seviye, alto saksafon)
Hallelujah (Kolay/Orta Seviye, alto saksafon)
Hallelujah (Orta Seviye, tenor saksafon)
Hallelujah (Başlangıç Seviyesi, Alto Saksafon)
Ave Maria (Tenor Sax)
Ave Maria (Easy/Intermediate Level, Tenor Sax)
Ave Maria (Kolay/Orta Seviye, Alto Saksafon)
When the Saints Go Marching In (Alto Saxophone)
I Say a Little Prayer (Orta Seviye, Alto Saksafon)
Hallelujah (Advanced Level, alto sax)
The Prayer
Bridge Over Troubled Water (Kolay/Orta Seviye, Alto Saksafon)
Hallelujah (Intermediate/Advanced Level, alto sax)
Silent Night (Easy Level, Alto Sax, with Orchestra)
Hallelujah (Easy Level, tenor sax)
Hallelujah (Easy/Intermediate Level, tenor sax)
You Raise Me Up (Intermediate Level, Alto Sax)
Hallelujah (Very Easy Level, alto sax)
Hallelujah (Advanced Level, tenor sax)
You Raise Me Up (Easy Level, Alto Sax)
Silent Night (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Alto Sax, with Piano Accompaniment)
Hallelujah (Intermediate/Advanced Level, tenor sax)
I Say a Little Prayer (Easy/Intermediate Level, Tenor Sax)
Bridge Over Troubled Water (Advanced Level, Alto Sax)
Amazing Grace (Easy Level, Alto Sax)
You Raise Me Up (Easy/Intermediate Level, Alto Sax)
Bridge Over Troubled Water (Easy/Intermediate Level, Tenor Sax)