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Hey Jude (Easy/Intermediate Level)
The House of the Rising Sun (Livello facile/intermedio)
Eleanor Rigby (Livello facile/intermedio)
Hey Jude (Easy Level)
In My Life (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Let It Be (Livello facile)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Livello facile/intermedio)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Livello facile)
California Dreamin' (Livello facile)
California Dreamin' (Livello intermedio)
The House of the Rising Sun (Livello facile)
In My Life (Easy Level)
Let It Be (Livello molto facile)
Eleanor Rigby (Livello facile)
California Dreamin' (Livello molto facile)
The House of the Rising Sun (Livello molto facile)