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Ruchomy zamek hauru - Theme: The Merry-Go-Round of Life (dla średnio zaawansowanych)
Howl's Moving Castle - Theme: The Merry-Go-Round of Life (Advanced Level)
Let It Go - Frozen (Advanced Level)
Let It Go - Frozen (Intermediate Level)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Easy Level, Solo Accordion)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Intermediate Level, Solo Accordion)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Advanced Level, Solo Accordion)
Pirates of the Caribbean - He’s a Pirate (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Pirates of the Caribbean - He’s a Pirate (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Forrest Gump - Theme (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Forrest Gump - Theme (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Forrest Gump - Theme (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Forrest Gump - Theme (Easy Level, Solo Accordion)
Forrest Gump - Theme (Intermediate Level, Solo Accordion)
Forrest Gump - Theme (Advanced Level, Solo Accordion)
Love Story (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Love Story (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Love Story (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Love Story (Easy Level, Solo Accordion)
Love Story (Intermediate Level, Solo Accordion)
Love Story (Advanced Level, Solo Accordion)
Różowa Pantera (łatwe, z orkiestrą)
The Pink Panther (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
The Pink Panther (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
The Pink Panther (Easy Level, Solo Accordion)
The Pink Panther (Intermediate Level, Solo Accordion)
The Pink Panther (Advanced Level, Solo Accordion)