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Finnish Folk Song (accompaniment part1)
Rozhinkes mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds) (Klezmer) (accompaniment part)
Sher (Klezmer) (accompaniment part)
Daisy Bell (a Bicycle Built for Two) (accompaniment part)
I've Been Working on the Railroad (teacher-student)
By the Beautiful Sea (teacher-student)
On the Bridge of Avignon (accompaniment part)
La Partida (accompaniment part)
Ouro Sobre Azul (Gold on Blue)
Crê e espera – Valsas Brasileiras
J'ai du bon tabac (I Have Good Tobacco) (piano d'accompagnement)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Moishele Mayn Fraynd (Klezmer)
Moshe's Doina (Klezmer)
Der Yid in Yerusholayim (Klezmer)
Salsa Groove (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Salsa Groove (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Polish Dance
Silberne Chasene (Klezmer, Easy Level)
7:40:00 PM (Klezmer, Advanced Level)
Balkan Bagatelle
Hebrew Melody
Sailor's Dance
Pendulette, souricette
Folk Song (accompaniment part)
Treat Street (Intermediate Level)
O sole mio (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
O sole mio (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
O sole mio (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
A Rosa Vermelha (A Red Rose) (Beginner Level, Solo Piano)