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Wellerman (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Oye Como Va
Hava Nagila (Klezmer, Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Besame Mucho (Upper Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Besame Mucho (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Besame Mucho (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Besame Mucho (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Besame Mucho (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Besame Mucho (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Besame Mucho (Upper Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Besame Mucho (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Besame Mucho (Intermediate/Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Besame Mucho (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Besame Mucho (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Besame Mucho (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Besame Mucho (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Salsa Groove (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Moravian Folk Song No. 1 (accompaniment part)
Happy Birthday (accompaniment part)
Amazing Grace (accompaniment part)
The House of the Rising Sun (accompaniment part)
Land of Hope and Glory (accompaniment part)
Por una Cabeza (accompaniment part)
La Bamba (accompaniment part)
La Cucaracha (accompaniment part)
Scarborough Fair
By the Beautiful Sea (accompaniment part)
Freilechs von der Chuppe (accompaniment part)
El Condor Pasa (accompaniment part)
La Paloma (accompaniment part)