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Happy Birthday
Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K.466 - I. Allegro
VII symfonia A - dur, op. 92, cz. II Allegretto (bardzo łatwe, fortepian solo)
Cztery pory roku - "Wiosna", cz. I Allegro (dla początkujących)
The Godfather - Love Theme (Intermediate Level)
Feeling Good (dla średnio zaawansowanych)
Ballade pour Adeline (łatwe)
Spirited Away - Reprise / Again (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
TomScales - No. 17 C major (Intermediate Level)
The Phantom of the Opera (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
A Star Is Born - Shallow (Beginner Level, Solo Piano)
Your Song (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
The Winner Takes It All (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Für Elise
Gladiator - Now We Are Free (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Piano Man (Beginner Level, Solo Piano)
Faded (Beginner Level, Solo Piano)
Suita B - dur, nr 1, HWV 434, cz. IV Minuet (opr. W. Kempff)
Suita orkiestrowa nr 3, D - dur, BWV 1068, cz. II Aria (na strunie G) (dla średnio zaawansowanych)
Kiki's Delivery Service – A Town with an Ocean View (Intermediate Level)
Rocket Man (Elton John - wokal, fortepian, orkiestra)
Titanic - The Portrait - Original Version (Advanced Level)
Mistral Gagnant (voice Renaud, piano comp.)
Carol of the Bells (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Feel (Voice Robbie Williams, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Voice Carrie Underwood, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Oda do Radości z finału IX Symfonii op. 125 (uczeń i nauczyciel)
Piano Man (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)