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Alleluja (wokal, gitara)
What’s Up (Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Knocking On Heaven’s Door (Guitar comp. voice and orchestra)
Bad Day (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Sodade (Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Night Moves (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Easy Level, Guitar comp. voice and orchestra)
Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. voice and orchestra)
You Are the Reason (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
You Are the Reason (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Clocks (Beginner Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Clocks (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Clocks (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Layla (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Layla (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Wake Me Up When September Ends (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Wake Me Up When September Ends (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Beginner Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Skinny Love (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Skinny Love (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
A Star Is Born - Shallow (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Narodziny gwiazdy - Shallow (dla średnio zaawansowanych, wokal, gitara, orkiestra)
Stolen Dance (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Stolen Dance (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy/Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
On ira (Very Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
On ira (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Mistral Gagnant (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)