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The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Beginner Level)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Advanced Level)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Easy Level)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Easy Level) - Short version
Muhteşem Showman - A Million Dreams (Orta Seviye)
The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Advanced Level)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Beginner Level)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Easy Level)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Easy Level) - Short version (MTB Exam version)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Orta Seviye)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Very Easy Level)
The Phantom of the Opera (Very Easy Level)
Operadaki Hayalet (Kolay/Orta Seviye)
The Chorus - Caresse sur l'océan (Very Easy Level)
The Chorus (Koro) - Caresse sur l'océan (Kolay Seviye)
Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind (Very Easy Level) - Short version
Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind (Orta Seviye)
The Jungle Book - The Bare Necessities (Very Easy Level) - Short version
The Jungle Book - The Bare Necessities (Kolay Seviye)
The Jungle Book - The Bare Necessities (Kolay/Orta Seviye)
Evita - Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Easy Level)
Evita - Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Easy/Intermediate Level)
La La Land - Another Day of Sun (Easy Level)
La La Land - Another Day of Sun (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Tangled - I See the Light (Easy Level)
Tangled - I See the Light (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Encanto - We Don't Talk About Bruno (Beginner Level) - Short version