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için bir şey bulunamadı
Başka bir şey aramak ister misiniz?
Le droit à l'erreur
La Tendresse (Very Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Love Me Please Love Me
Mistral Gagnant (Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
J'ai demandé à la lune (With piano score, Beginner Level)
On écrit sur les murs (Very Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Le Sud (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Cette année-là
Les Élucubrations
La Tendresse (Easy/Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Comme un Boomerang
On ira (Easy Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Tomber la chemise
Né en 17 à Leidenstadt (Easy Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
La Complainte de la Butte
On écrit sur les murs (Easy/Intermediate Level, Guitar comp. Voice and Orchestra)
Le Sud (Beginner Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
La Tendresse (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
J'ai demandé à la lune (With piano score, Intermediate Level)
Femmes, je vous aime
Mon cœur, mon amour
Je cours
Je ne parle pas français (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Je dois m'en aller
J'ai demandé à la lune (With piano score, Easy Level)
Elisa (With piano score, Advanced Level)
Foule sentimentale (Beginner Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Salut les amoureux (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
La grenade (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)