The most beautiful children's songs to play double stops, Vol. 2
15 Kadar Nota Sayfası
Violin Nota Sayfası
15 Kadar Nota Sayfası

Enstrüman | Violin |
Zorluk | Kolay-Orta |
Eşlik | Keman solo |
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Partisyon detayları
Bu koleksiyon 15 nota sayfası içerir:
- Traditional - Il est né le divin enfant (He is born, the divine Child)
- Traditional - Pirouette, cacahuète (Il était un petit homme)
- Traditional - Il était un petit navire (There was a Little Ship)
- Traditional - Il était une bergère
- Traditional - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère (It's Raining, It's Raining, Shepherdess)
- Traditional - La bonne aventure
- Traditional - J'ai du bon tabac (I Have Good Tobacco)
- Traditional - C'est la mère Michel
- Traditional - L'Empereur, sa femme et le petit prince
- Traditional - Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre (Marlborough Has Left for the War)
- Traditional - Maman les p'tits bateaux
- Traditional - Meunier, tu dors
- Traditional - Savez-vous planter les choux
- Traditional - Angels We Have Heard on High
- Traditional - Pomme de reinette et pomme d'api
Besteci |
Traditional |
Şarkı adı |
The most beautiful children's songs to play double stops, Vol. 2 |
Enstrüman |
Violin |
Zorluk |
Kolay-Orta |
Eşlik |
Keman solo |
Müzik türü |
Çocuk |
Değerlendirme |

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