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Summertime - TENOR Gershwin — Spartiti Canto

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Summertime - TENOR Gershwin - Spartiti Canto



Da intermedio ad avanzato


Con accompagnamento di pianoforte

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Tomplay - Interactive Sheet Music Tomplay - Interactive Sheet Music
Tomplay - Interactive Sheet Music Tomplay - Interactive Sheet Music

Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Dettagli dello spartito
  • Altri arrangiamenti di questa canzone
  • Recensioni


Titolo della canzone

Summertime - TENOR




Da intermedio ad avanzato


Con accompagnamento di pianoforte

Stile musicale

Jazz e Blues


Secolo XX Stati Uniti Jazz di New Orleans

Funzionalità interattive extra

Tonalità (Estensione)

B♭ Minore (m) (F3 - F4). Modulazione(i): G♯ Minore (m)e (m) (D3# - D4#), A Minore (m)e (m) (E3 - E4), B Minore (m)e (m) (F3# - F4#), C Minore (m)e (m) (G3 - G4)

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Informazioni sul pezzo


Contiene una traccia di accompagnamento di pianoforte per cantare

Trasposizioni in varie tonalità

Summertime from PORGY AND BESS® Music and Lyrics by George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin and DuBose and Dorothy Heyward Copyright © 1935 CHAPPELL & CO. INC. and DUBOSE AND DOROTHY HEYWARD MEMORIAL FUND PUBLISHING Copyright Renewed All Rights for CHAPPELL & CO. INC. Administered by WARNER CHAPPELL NORTH AMERICA LTD., London, W8 5DA All Rights for DUBOSE AND DOROTHY HEYWARD MEMORIAL FUND PUBLISHING Administered by DOWNTOWN DLJ SONGS GERSWHIN® and GEORGE GERSHWIN® are registered trademarks of Gershwin Enterprises IRA GERSHWIN® is a registered trademark of Gershwin Enterprises PORGY AND BESS® is a registered trademark of Porgy and Bess Enterprises All Rights Reserved Used by Permission Reprinted by Permission of Hal Leonard Europe Ltd. Summertime (from PORGY AND BESS®) Music and Lyrics by George Gershwin, Du Bose and Dorothy Heyward and Ira Gershwin © 1935 (renewed 1962) Chappell & Co Inc and Du Bose And Dorothy Heyward Memorial Fund Warner Chappell North America Ltd and Du Bose And Dorothy Heyward Memorial Fund GERSHWIN® and GEORGE GERSHWIN® are registered trademarks of Gershwin Enterprises IRA GERSHWIN™ is a trademark of Gershwin Enterprises PORGY AND BESS® is a registered trademark of Porgy And Bess Enterprises All Rights Reserved. © 2022 Tombooks
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