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Love Me Please Love Me (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Amoureuse - Original Version (Advanced, Voice, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Beginner Level, with Orchestra)
L'Aigle Noir (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Né en 17 à Leidenstadt (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Lucie (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Tout le bonheur du monde (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
La ballade nord-irlandaise (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Ta reine (Voice Angèle, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Je suis malade (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Lettre à France (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Lucie (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Chanson sur ma drôle de vie (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Pour que tu m'aimes encore (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Puisque tu pars (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Je te promets (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Là-Bas (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
J'irai où tu iras (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
La Tendresse (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Encore un soir (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Encore un soir (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Aïcha (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Amsterdam (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Mais je t'aime - Original Version (Advanced Level, Voices, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Je te promets (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Envole-moi (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)