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Salut les amoureux (Voice Joe Dassin, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Le chanteur (Voice Daniel Balavoine, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Voilà (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
La vie ne m'apprend rien (Easy Level, Voice Daniel Balavoine and Piano comp.)
Les Gens (Voice Christophe Maé, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Puisque tu pars (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Les Champs-Elysées (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Né en 17 à Leidenstadt (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Je te promets (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
La ballade nord-irlandaise (Voice Renaud, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Pour que tu m'aimes encore (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
On ira (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Je suis malade (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Le Tourbillon (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Love Me Please Love Me (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Love Me Please Love Me (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Que je t'aime (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
La grenade (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
L'oiseau et l'enfant (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
La Tendresse (Voice Bourvil, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
La ballade nord-irlandaise (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Chanson sur ma drôle de vie (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Pour que tu m'aimes encore (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Pour que tu m'aimes encore (Easy Level, Solo Piano)