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Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Nivel Avanzado)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Nivel Fácil/Intermedio)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Advanced Level)
Cotton Fields (Nivel Avanzado)
Cotton Fields (Nivel Intermedio)
Proud Mary (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Nivel Principiante)
Proud Mary (Intermediate Level)
The Heat Is On (Nivel Avanzado)
Proud Mary (Nivel muy Fácil)
Proud Mary (Advanced Level)
The Heat Is On (Nivel Fácil/Intermedio)
Cotton Fields (Nivel Principiante)
Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Nivel Principiante)
Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Nivel Fácil)
The Heat Is On (Nivel Principiante)
The Heat Is On (Nivel Fácil)
Cotton Fields (Nivel Fácil)