75 首悦耳和进阶的練習 Op. 36 - 第一集特别练习 No. 8
24首随想曲, Opus 1 - 第十六首 随想曲 , G小调: 急板
The School of Violin Technics, Book 1 - No. 14 Exercises in the Fifth Position
75 首悦耳和进阶的練習 Op. 36 - 第一集特别练习 No. 4
42 首练习或随想曲 - F 大调 No.9,适度、中速的快板
The School of Violin Technics, Book 1 - No. 11 Exercises in the First, Second and Third Positions
75 首悦耳和进阶的練習 Op. 36 - 第一集特别练习 No. 5
75 首悦耳和进阶的練習 Op. 36 - 第一集特别练习 No. 7
Tomplay音阶, Vol. 3 - 第十三首 升F小调
Fantasia No. 7 in E-flat major, TWV 40:20
24首随想曲, Opus 1 - 第二首 随想曲 , B小调: 中板
Violin Sonata No. 2 in A minor, Opus 27, Jacques Thibaud - I. Prelude, «Obsession» : Poco vivace
Il est né le divin enfant
42 首练习或随想曲 - A 大调 No.13,适中
42 首练习或随想曲 - E 大调 No.11,行板
Fantasia No. 5 in A major, TWV 40:18
75 首悦耳和进阶的練習 Op. 36 - 第一集特别练习 No. 6
心如止水, MS 44
The School of Violin Technics, Book 1 - No. 12 Exercises in the Fourth Position
24首随想曲, Opus 1 - 第九首 随想曲 , E 大调 '狩猎': 小快板
The School of Violin Technics, Book 1 - No. 13 Exercises in the First, Second, Third and Fourth Positions
24首小提琴独奏随想曲,Opus 22 - No.6
42 首练习或随想曲- A 小调 No.12,适度、中速的快板
24首随想曲, Opus 1 - 第二首0 随想曲 , D 大调: 小快板
A la claire fontaine
The School of Violin Technics, Book 1 - No. 16 Exercises in the Sixth Position
The School of Violin Technics, Book 1 - No. 19 Exercises in the Seventh Position