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探索我们专为贝斯手设计的先进线上乐器调音器。享受专为各种级别的贝斯手准备的免费、精准的调音便利。使用我们的突破性的调音器,提升您音乐之旅的体验,重新定义精准和便利的新标准。轻松解锁音乐体验的新层次吧!准备好潜心用贝斯演奏您的第一组歌曲了吗?探索我们的 贝斯乐谱目录吧。




Ensuring your bass guitar is tuned accurately is a fundamental aspect of your musical journey, directly influencing the harmony and precision of the notes you play. Picture tuning as the solid foundation of your musical performance; an essential groundwork for an enjoyable playing experience. Whether you're engaged in solo practice or collaborative sessions, maintaining proper tuning is the key to achieving a unified and melodious sound.




Wondering how to start using our free online bass guitar tuner with your device's microphone? Let's break it down:

步骤1: 在调音器上点击“允许”按钮,让它可以访问您的麦克风。

步骤2: 在您的浏览器请求允许使用麦克风时,点击是。这样可以允许调音器检测到您演奏的音符。

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

Step 3: Play the notes on your bass while keeping an eye on the tuner. It will tell you which note you're playing, and the colours will let you know if it's too low (flat) or too high (sharp). Make adjustments accordingly.


高准确: 当正确的音符显示出来时,您的音高正确,当音高指示信号显示为绿色时,尽可能靠近0。

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

Too low: If the correct note is showing but the colour is orange or red on the negative values, you're too low (flat).

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

Too high: If the correct note is showing but the colour is orange or red on the positive values, you're too high (sharp).

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar


Don't worry if tuning feels a bit tricky and takes some time at first. With practice, it will become a speedy and easy thing to do!


Tuning a bass guitar is a fundamental skill for every bass player. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to tune a bass guitar using our tuner:

1. 理解标准调音

贝斯的标准调音由低到高为E、 A、D、G。记住这个顺序!


2. 给E弦调音:

  • 奏响E弦空弦(最粗的弦)。

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

  • 调整弦钮,直到调音器显示音符“E”。
  • Then you can adjust until the light indicator on the tuner turns green and remains as close to zero as possible. When it's done: your low E string is in tune!

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

3. 给A弦调音:

  • 奏响A弦空弦。

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

  • 调整弦钮,直到调音器显示音符“A”。
  • Then you can adjust until the light indicator on the tuner turns green and remains as close to zero as possible. When it's done: your A string is in tune!

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

4. 给D弦调音:

  • 奏响D弦空弦。

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

  • 调整弦钮,直到调音器显示音符“D”。
  • 然后,您可以继续调整,直到调音器上的指示灯变成绿色并尽可能与零接近。完成后:您的D弦就调好了!

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

5. 给G弦调音:

  • 奏响G弦空弦。

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

  • 调整弦钮,直到调音器显示音符“G”。
  • Then you can adjust until the light indicator on the tuner turns green and remains as close to zero as possible. When it's done: your G string is in tune!

Free Online Tuner for Bass guitar

6. 检查并微调:

  • 调完所有的弦之后,再次奏响每个空弦,复查一下这些弦的音高。
  • 根据需要进行每根弦的微调。

💡 我们对贝斯调音的提示:

  • 调音的时候,将琴弦拉到中心处,而不是靠近琴桥或螺母。琴弦拉往中心处可以奏出更精确的音高。
  • Check the octaves of each string by playing natural harmonics at the 12th fret. The harmonic at the 12th fret should match the pitch of the open string.
  • Be patient; it may take a bit of practice to get used to tuning.

How often should you tune your bass?

Tune your bass guitar every time you practise! Bass guitars can be quite sensitive - even a small shift in temperature, humidity, or a gust of wind can throw an instrument out of tune, and it's not your fault.

If you are worried about your bass guitar strings snapping during tuning...

While it's uncommon for bass guitar strings to snap during regular tuning, it's not impossible, especially if the strings are old, worn, or damaged.

The likelihood of strings snapping during tuning can be influenced by several factors: the string age, the string quality, the excessive force applied to the strings while tuning, sharp edges or burrs, and environmental factors like extreme temperature changes and humidity levels.


从历史上来看,乐器是按照不同的标准音高进行调音的。比如,巴洛克音高是A = 415Hz,而在古典主义时期,这个音高约为A = 428–430Hz。A = 432Hz称为“威尔第A”,这被认为是在数学上和宇宙相一致,其音高更柔和明亮,听上去更清晰简单。现今的音乐会音高为A = 440Hz。

Historically, musical instruments were tuned at different standard pitches. For instance, Baroque Pitch is A = 415Hz, and in the Classical period it was around A = 428-430Hz. A = 432Hz, known as "Verdi's A", is considered mathematically consistent with the universe, offering softer and brighter tones, said to be clearer and easier on the ears. Today's Concert Pitch is considered to be A = 440Hz.

Tune your bass guitar and start playing!

Your bass guitar is all tuned up and ready to go! At Tomplay, we've got a diverse selection of bass sheet music that caters to all tastes and skill levels, with accompanying backing tracks included.


Whether you enjoy playing pop, rock, jazz or film scores, you can choose from hundreds of tabs and sheet music arrangements for bassists of all levels, from beginner to expert. It's the end of low-quality MIDI sound and hello to sonorous inspiration! All our tabs and sheet music contain accompanying backing tracks, which are carefully recorded by professional musicians.


  • 速度调整:用户可以灵活调整我们音频伴奏的速度,量身定制适合技能级别的练习。
  • 自我录音:这个app提供了自我录音功能,让用户可以录制自己的演奏、进行回顾并取得进步。
  • 注释工具:音乐人可以注释乐谱,标记指法、弓法、自定义注意点、添加文字等。
  • 打印带有您自己注释的乐谱。
  • 乐段循环:音乐人可以循环特定的音乐片段,进行更集中高效的练习。
  • 音叉功能可以进行弦乐器和管乐器的再调音。
  • 集成节拍器。
  • 实时视觉辅助工具可以在学习新乐曲的时候显示音符在乐器上的指法位置。
  • 实时视觉辅助工具可以在学习新乐曲的时候显示音符在乐器上的指法位置。


Discover Tomplay

Looking for inspiration to play music on your bass guitar?

You can explore our blog where you will find many articles for bass players. We share tips and our recommendations on sheet music you can play. From 6 Exquisite Bass Pieces for Absolute Beginners to The 10 Best Rock Songs to Play on Bass , there is a lot of content that caters for all tastes and skill levels.

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