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He's Got The Whole World In His Hands (Sehr leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Alle Jahre wieder (Sehr leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Holy Forever (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
Hallelujah (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
You Say (Anfänger, Tenorsax)
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands (Mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Anfänger, Sopransax)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
You Say (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
Lord Don't Move The Mountain (Sehr leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)
Above All (Anfänger, Tenorsax)
Alle Jahre wieder (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
Alle Jahre wieder (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)
Away in a Manger (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
You Say (Anfänger, Sopransax)
Lord Don't Move The Mountain (Sehr leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Hört der Engel helle Lieder (Sehr leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Lord Don't Move The Mountain (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
Lord Don't Move The Mountain (Mittlere/fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)
Lord Don't Move The Mountain (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)