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We Are the Champions (Mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
New York, New York (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
We Are the Champions (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Don't Stop Believin' (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
We Are the Champions (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
New York, New York (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
With or Without You (Mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
We Are the Champions (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Sweet Caroline (Mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Sweet Caroline (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
New York, New York (Mittlere/fortgeschrittene Stufe, Alt-Sax)
One Moment In Time (Mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
New York, New York (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
New York, New York (Mittlere/fortgeschrittene Stufe, Tenorsax)
Don't Stop Believin' (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Rocky - Gonna Fly Now (Mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Celebration (Mittlere Stufe, Alt-Sax)
New York, New York (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
We Are the Champions (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
One Moment In Time (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
We Are the Champions (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Tenorsax)
Don't Stop Believin' (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
With or Without You (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Sweet Caroline (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Don't Stop Believin' (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Tenorsax)
With or Without You (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Sweet Caroline (Leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Sweet Caroline (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Celebration (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
One Moment In Time (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Alt-Sax)