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Dans la forêt lointaine (In the Distant Forest) (Violonchelo 3)
Quand j'étais petite fille
Trois jeunes tambours
Lightly Row (Easy Level)
Star of the County Down
Petit Papa Noël (Nivel Fácil)
Jesusita en Chihuahua
By the Beautiful Sea
Siete de Abril
Oh Danny Boy
Das Dreigespann (Troika)
A Plain Song
The Barley Break
Heaving the Anchor
Sweet Kitty
May Song
Blarney Pilgrim
Charlie Is My Darling
Les compagnons de la marjolaine
Jean-François de Nantes
Au clair de la lune (Al claro de luna)
German Folk Song
Old English Song
Cielito Lindo (Nivel Fácil)
Feliz Cumpleaños (Nivel Intermedio)
Swallowtail Jig (Nivel Fácil)
Lightly Row
Freilechs von der Chuppe