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Scarborough Fair (Very Easy Level)
Scarborough Fair (Intermediate Level)
Lightly Row (Beginner Level)
May Song
A la Nanita Nana
Scarborough Fair (con acompañamiento de Piano)
Scarborough Fair (Upper Advanced Level)
Tabhair dom do Lamh (Música Céltica)
Jesús en pesebre (Nivel Intermedio)
Oats and Beans
Ángeles cantando están (Nivel muy Fácil)
Los Doce Días de Navidad (Nivel Fácil/Intermedio)
Song of the Wind
Molly Malone (Intermediate Level)
Scotland the Brave
Hop, hop, hop !
C'est la mère Michel
O Come, Little Children
Chante et danse la boheme
Cielito Lindo (Leichte/mittlere Stufe)
Down by the Salley Gardens
Blarney Pilgrim
The Skye Boat Song
Scarborough Fair (Easy-Intermediate Level)
Scarborough Fair (Intermediate-Advanced Level)
Scarborough Fair (Advanced Level)