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Come Ye Sons of Art
Lamento d'Arianna
The Black Cat Rag
See, down Maria's blushing cheek
Lied ohne Worte (Song Without Words)
Vöglein's Abendlied, Opus 71
Album de la Juventud, Opus 68, Book II - n.° 28 Erinnerung (4. November 1847) (Recordatorio)
Fine Knacks for Ladies
100 Recreaciones Fáciles - n.° 55 Aire Francés
Abigail Judge
The English Dancing Master - Dance
Ladybird, Ladybird
Theodora, HWV 68 - As With Rosy Steps the Morn (Nivel muy Fácil)
I Ain't Got Nobody
Caro mio ben
La jaca de Terciopelo
Enraptured I gaze
Spring Dance - Nordic folk dance No. 5, Opus 3
Des Wanderers Traum, Opus 47
Air en Do major
Sailor's Song
Songs of Youth, Opus 1 (Cuentos de la juventud) - No. 1 Dedication
Allí floreció una rosa
Pas Redoublés No. 5
Old Black Joe
Moravian Folk Song No. 2
We shall not be moved