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Abdelazer (The Moor's Revenge), Z.570 - No. 8 Hornpipe 'Hole in the Wall'
Abdelazer (La venganza del moro), Z.570 - n.° 2 Rondeau
Dido y Eneas - When I Am Laid in Earth (Nivel muy Fácil, Piano Solo)
Suite n.° 5 en Do mayor, Z. 666 - I. Prelude
Come, ye Sons of Art
Rondeau (accompaniment part)
Minuet (accompaniment part)
Come Ye Sons of Art (acompañamiento)
A Birthday Song for the Duke of Gloucester - II. Ritornello
A Birthday Song for the Duke of Gloucester - III. Chaconne
Suite en Sol menor, Z.661
Dido y Eneas - Ah! Belinda (acompañamiento)
Song Tune, ZT 694 (accompaniment part)
Suite en Sol mayor, Z.660
Rigodón en Do mayor, Z. 653
A Birthday Song for the Duke of Gloucester - I. Overture
Rigadoon in C major, Z. 653 (accompaniment part)
The Double Dealer, Z. 592 - n.° 7 Minuet
Rigodón en Do mayor, Z. 653 (acompañamiento en Mi bemol mayor)
Rigodón en Do mayor, Z. 653 (acompañamiento en Si bemol mayor)
Abdelazer (The Moor's Revenge), Z.570 - No. 8 Hornpipe 'Hole in the Wall' (acompañamiento en Sol mayor)
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary, Z.860
Abdelazer (The Moor's Revenge), Z.570 - No. 8 Hornpipe 'Hole in the Wall' (acompañamiento en La mayor)