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Dem Trisker Rebn's Khusidl (Klezmer)
Little Charlotte
Easter Eggs
Oats and Beans (accompaniment part)
Song of the Wind (accompaniment part)
Pussy-cat in the Snow (accompaniment part)
Shtiler Bulgar (Klezmer)
Old French Dance
Bessarabianke (Klezmer, Nivel Intermedio)
Good King Wenceslas
Gargantua (teacher-student)
Let's Sing (Klezmer) (accompaniment part)
Old MacDonald Had a Farm (piano d'accompagnement)
The Water is Wide (Nivel Principiante, con Orquesta)
Silberne Chasene (Klezmer, Advanced Level)
Red River Valley (Nivel Fácil, Piano Solo)
The Water is Wide (Nivel Principiante, Piano Solo)
Lazy Mary (teacher-student)
Mediatsinerwaltz (Klezmer, Easy Level)
Good King Wenceslas (Nivel Avanzado Superior)
Spancil Hill (Nivel Intermedio, con Orquesta)
O Soldier, Soldier (accompaniment part)
Hush, Little Baby (accompaniment part)
Sweetly Sings the Donkey (profesor-alumno)
Red Dovidla Nigun (Klezmer, Easy Level)
Red Dovidla Nigun (Klezmer, Intermediate Level)
Arlequin in his Shop
Alle Jahre wieder (Nivel muy Fácil, Piano Solo)
Four Green Fields (Nível Fácil, com Orquestra)
Four Green Fields (Nivel Intermedio, con Orquesta)