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Spider-Man: Un nuevo universo - Sunflower (Nivel Fácil, Saxofón Soprano) Post Malone — Partitura para Saxofón

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Spider-Man: Un nuevo universo - Sunflower (Nivel Fácil, Saxofón Soprano) Post Malone - Partitura para Saxofón





Saxofón con acompañamiento orquestal

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Post Malone Swae Lee

Título de la canción

Spider-Man: Un nuevo universo - Sunflower (Nivel Fácil, Saxofón Soprano)






Saxofón con acompañamiento orquestal

Estilo musical

Musica de películas


Marvel Desde el año 2000 hasta ahora Estados Unidos

Funciones extra interactivas
Saxofón en pantalla
Nombres de las notas


F Mayor (1 bemol)


A3# - G5

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Información acerca de la pieza


Sunflower from SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Words and Music by Austin Richard Post, Carl Austin Rosen, Khalif Brown, Carter Lang, Louis Bell and Billy Walsh Copyright © 2018 SONGS OF UNIVERSAL, INC., POSTY PUBLISHING, KMR MUSIC ROYALTIES II SCSP, WARNER-TAMERLANE PUBLISHING CORP., KHALIF BROWN BMI PUB DESIGNEE, EARDRUMMERS ENTERTAINMENT LLC, WC MUSIC CORP., CARTER LANG PUB DESIGNEE, ZUMA TUNA LLC, EMI APRIL MUSIC INC., NYANKINGMUSIC, WMMW PUBLISHING, TWENTY FIFTEEN BOULEVARD MUSIC INC. and TWENTY FIFTEEN AVENUE MUSIC INC. All Rights for POSTY PUBLISHING Administered by SONGS OF UNIVERSAL, INC. All Rights for KMR MUSIC ROYALTIES II SCSP Administered Worldwide by KOBALT SONGS MUSIC PUBLISHING All Rights for KHALIF BROWN BMI PUB DESIGNEE and EARDRUMMERS ENTERTAINMENT LLC Administered by WARNER-TAMERLANE PUBLISHING CORP. All Rights for CARTER LANG PUB DESIGNEE and ZUMA TUNA LLC Administered by WC MUSIC CORP. All Rights for EMI APRIL MUSIC INC., NYANKINGMUSIC, WMMW PUBLISHING, TWENTY FIFTEEN BOULEVARD MUSIC INC. and TWENTY FIFTEEN AVENUE MUSIC INC. Administered by SONY MUSIC PUBLISHING (US) LLC, 424 Church Street, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219 All Rights Reserved Used by Permission Reprinted by Permission of Hal Leonard Europe Ltd. Austin Post, Carl A. Rosen, Carter Lang, Khalif Malik Ibin Shaman Brown, Louis Bell, William Walsh © Twenty Fifteen Boulevard Music Inc / EMI April Music Inc / Twenty Fifteen Avenue Music Inc / Nyankingmusic / WMMW Publishing / © 2023 Tombooks www.tomplay.com
Spider-Man: Un nuevo universo - Sunflower (Nivel Fácil, Saxofón Soprano) (Post Malone) - Partitura Saxofón
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