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Präludium und Fuge in g-Moll - Originalversion (Arr. Luo Ni)
Präludium und Fuge in g-Moll (Leichte/mittlere Stufe)
Präludium und Fuge in g-Moll (Mittlere/fortgeschrittene Stufe)
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto - I. Adagio cantabile
Präludium und Fuge in g-Moll (Mittlere Stufe)
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto - II. Allegro
Mo Li Hua (Klavierbegleitung)
Two Folksongs - Nr. 1 Love Song
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto - V. Lagrimoso
Four Piano Pieces based on Cantonese Melodies, Opus 5 - Nr. 1 Selling Sundry Goods
Eight Memories in Watercolor - Nr. 2 Staccato Beans
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto - VII. Adagio cantabile
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto - IV. Pesante – Piu mosso – Duramente
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto - VI. Presto resoluto
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto - III. Adagio assai doloroso