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Rolling Boogie
Scale Capers
Sea Chantey
On the Merry-Go-Round
Little Song
Dancing Raindrops
Old-World Melody
Melodia Hebraica
Ballet Scene
Balkan Bagatelle
Psalm Without Words
Cotillion Polka
White Sails
Hungarian Romance - The Sleigh Ride (acompanhamento)
Wind, Tell My Sweetheart (Canção Cigana) (acompanhamento)
Melody with Varied Accompaniments (Melodia com Acompanhamentos Variados)
Miniature Sonatina
See-Saw Sonata
Moody Twins
The Bagpipers
The Brass Band
Little Prelude
Wooden Shoe Dance
On a Green Meadow
Over Hill and Dale
Drifting Clouds