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Two Songs, Opus 3 - No. 1 Seule! - SOPRANO
Two Songs, Opus 3 - No. 2 Sérénade toscane - TENOR
Two Songs, Opus 3 - No. 2 Sérénade toscane - BARÍTONO
Two Songs, Opus 4 - No. 2 Lydia - BARÍTONO
Two Songs, Opus 1 - No. 1 Le papillon et la fleur - BARÍTONO
Two Songs, Opus 1 - No. 2 Mai - MEZZO-SOPRANO
Three Songs, Opus 8 - No. 3 Ici-bas! - BARÍTONO
Three Songs, Opus 6 - No. 1 Aubade - SOPRANO
Three Songs, Opus 6 - No. 3 Sylvie - SOPRANO
Three Songs, Opus 18 - No. 2 Le voyageur - SOPRANO
En prière - BARÍTONO
En prière - SOPRANO
En prière - TENOR
Poème d'un jour, Opus 21 - No. 2 Toujours - MEZZO-SOPRANO
Three Songs, Opus 18 - No. 1 Nell - SOPRANO
Three Songs, Opus 18 - No. 2 Le voyageur - BARÍTONO
Three Songs, Opus 23 - No. 1 Les berceaux - TENOR
Three Songs, Opus 23 - No. 2 Notre amour - SOPRANO
Three Songs, Opus 23 - No. 2 Notre amour - BARÍTONO
Two Songs, Opus 46 - No. 2 Clair de lune - TENOR
Four Songs (Quatro Canções), Opus 39 - No. 1 Aurore - MEZZO-SOPRANO
Four Songs (Quatro Canções), Opus 39 - No. 3 Le pays des rêves - BARÍTONO
Four Songs (Quatro Canções), Opus 39 - No. 4 Les roses d'Ispahan - BARÍTONO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 2 'Whither?' - TENOR
Segui, dolente core - Arie Antiche
Se cerca, se dice - Arie Antiche
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 - No. 3 'Stop!' - BAIXO
Dichterliebe (Amor de Poeta), Opus 48 – No. 12 Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen - TENOR
Dichterliebe (Amor de Poeta), Opus 48 – No. 13 Ich hab' im Traum geweinet - TENOR