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The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 6 'The Inquirer' - SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 6 'The Inquirer' - TENOR
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 6 'The Inquirer' - MEZZO-SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 6 'The Inquirer' - BARÍTONO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 6 'The Inquirer' - CONTRALTO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 6 'The Inquirer' - BAIXO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 7 'Impatience' - SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 7 'Impatience' - TENOR
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 7 'Impatience' - MEZZO-SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 7 'Impatience' - BARÍTONO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 7 'Impatience' - CONTRALTO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 7 'Impatience' - BAIXO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 - No. 5 'Evening’s Rest' - SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 - No. 5 'Evening’s Rest' - TENOR
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 - No. 5 'Evening’s Rest' - MEZZO-SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 - No. 5 'Evening’s Rest' - BARÍTONO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 - No. 5 'Evening’s Rest' - CONTRALTO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 - No. 5 'Evening’s Rest' - BAIXO
Ich habe genug, Cantata BWV 82
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 8 'Good Morning' - SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 8 'Good Morning' - TENOR
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 8 'Good Morning' - MEZZO-SOPRANO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 8 'Good Morning' - BARÍTONO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 8 'Good Morning' - CONTRALTO
The Maid of the Mill (A Donzela do Moinho), D. 795 Opus 25 – No. 8 'Good Morning' - BAIXO
Dimmi, Amor - Arie Antiche - SOPRANO
Dimmi, Amor - Arie Antiche - TENOR
Dimmi, Amor - Arie Antiche - MEZZO-SOPRANO
Dimmi, Amor - Arie Antiche - CONTRALTO
Dimmi, Amor - Arie Antiche - BAIXO