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Pwt ar y Bys (ABRSM Violin Exams from 2024, Initial Grade, A:3)
Tumbalalaika (ABRSM Violin Exams from 2024, Grade 1, B:3)
Siyahamba (ABRSM Violin Exams from 2024, Grade 1, C:3)
The Mason's Apron
Amazing Grace (Violino 2)
Land of Hope and Glory
A la Nanita Nana
Jesusita en Chihuahua
Scarborough Fair (com Acompanhamento de Piano)
Oh My Beloved Father (O mio babbino caro)
The Mexican Hat Dance
El Choclo
Abi Gezunt
By the Beautiful Sea
Freilechs von der Chuppe
Shiroh Hora
Siete de Abril
Stenka Razin
Morning Has Broken
Clarinete Polka
We shall not be moved
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
O Come, All Ye Faithful - Adeste Fideles (Ó Vinde Adoremos) (Nível Fácil, em Fá Maior)
Rheinlander Polka
The Song of the Volga Boatmen
Tzur Chassidi
Go Down Moses
Das Dreigespann (Troika)