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Afinador Online Gratuito para Violino

Explore nosso afinador online de ponta para instrumentos, especialmente projetado para o violino. Experimente nosso afinador gratuito e preciso, que atende a violinistas de todos os níveis. Eleve sua jornada musical com o nosso afinador inovador, que está redefinindo os padrões de precisão e conveniência. Desbloqueie um novo nível de excelência musical, sem fazer esforço! Afinado e pronto para tocar suas primeiras músicas? Descubra nosso Catálogo de Partituras para Violino.


Precisamos ter acesso ao seu microfone para ouvir o som do seu instrumento.

Why is it important to tune your violin?

Afinar o violino é um aspecto fundamental de tocar um instrumento musical. Manter uma afinação precisa não aprimora apenas o desempenho individual de um violinista, mas também garante uma colaboração harmoniosa em ambientes de música em grupo. Um instrumento desafinado pode prejudicar o equilíbrio geral e comprometer a experiência musical tanto para o violinista quanto para os outros músicos e para a plateia.

Aprender a afinar o seu violino promove um senso de afinação e treina o ouvido musical. Essa habilidade é transferível para diversos contextos musicais, permitindo que violinistas colaborem de maneira fluida com outros músicos.

Abaixo, você encontra o tutorial passo a passo de como afinar o seu violino com o nosso afinador online gratuito!

Como utilizar o nosso Afinador Online Gratuito para Violino

Utilizar um afinador online com microfone para afinar seu instrumento pode ser bastante útil. O afinador consegue ouvir o som que você está tocando e informar se a nota tocada está na afinação correta. O afinador online também exibe imagens que ajudarão você a verificar se o seu violino está na afinação correta. Isso é ótimo para novos violinistas porque facilita o entendimento e o ajuste da afinação. A melhor parte é que você pode utilizar o afinador quando e onde quiser, tornando mais fácil manter seu violino sempre afinado.

Está se perguntando como você pode começar a utilizar nosso afinador online gratuito para violino com o microfone do seu dispositivo? Aqui está o passo a passo detalhado:

Primeiro passo: Clique no botão "Permitir" no afinador acima para permitir acesso ao microfone do seu desktop.

Free Online Tuner for Violin

Segundo passo: Quando o seu browser solicitar a permissão para utilizar o microfone, clique em "Sim". Isso permitirá que o afinador detecte as notas que você tocar.

Terceiro passo: Toque as notas no seu violino e observe o afinador. Ele irá indicar qual nota você está tocando, e as cores irão informá-lo se o seu instrumento está muito grave (bemol) ou muito agudo (sustenido). Faça os ajustes necessários.

Let's take the note E as an example:

In Tune: You're in tune when the correct note is displayed, and the pitch indicator is showing a green colour, as close to 0 as possible.

Free Online Tuner for Violin

Too low: If the correct note is showing but the colour is orange or red in the negative values, you're too low (flat).

Free Online Tuner for Violin

Too high: If the correct note is showing but the colour is orange or red in the positive values, you're too high (sharp).

Free Online Tuner for Violin

Make sure the letter on the tuner matches the note you are playing. If not, it could mean your violin needs some further tuning adjustments.

Remember that background noise can affect the accuracy of the tuner, so try to tune your violin in a quiet environment.

Don't worry if tuning feels a bit tricky and takes some time at first. With practice, it will become a speedy and easier thing to do!

How to tune your violin step-by-step 🎻

Tuning a violin is an essential skill for any violinist. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to tune a violin, using our free online violin tuner:

1. Start by playing the A string (the second thinnest string) with your bow

Free Online Tuner for Violin

Play the open A string, and adjust the fine tuner (if you have one) until the tuner displays the note "A". We recommend that you play the note with your bow instead of plucking to make the sound more sustained and the tuning process more accurate.

Then you can adjust the pitch until the light indicator on the tuner turns green and remains as close to zero as possible. When it's done: your A string is in tune!

Free Online Tuner for Violin

If the colours orange or red point towards the negative values, the pitch on your string is too low (flat): raise it.

Free Online Tuner for Violin

If the orange or red colours point toward the right, the pitch on your string is too high (sharp): lower it.

Free Online Tuner for Violin

Ensure the displayed letter name matches the string you're playing; discrepancies suggest significant tuning issues that may require peg adjustments.

For instance, attempting to tune the A string but seeing the letter G (or F, or E, etc.) on the screen indicates that the string is too low (flat). Conversely, if you're tuning the A string but seeing the letter B (or C, or D, etc.) on the screen, then the string is too high (sharp). Make precise adjustments using the fine tuners and/or pegs.

2. Tune the D string:

Free Online Tuner for Violin

  • Play this string and adjust if needed, until the tuner displays the note "D".
  • Then you can adjust until the light indicator on the tuner turns green and remains as close to zero as possible. When it's done: your D string is in tune!

Free Online Tuner for Violin

3. Tune the G string:

Free Online Tuner for Violin

  • Adjust the peg for the G string until it matches the pitch indicated on the tuner.

Free Online Tuner for Violin

4. Tune the E string:

Free Online Tuner for Violin

  • Adjust the peg for the E string until it matches the pitch indicated on the tuner.

Free Online Tuner for Violin

5. Check and fine-tune:

  • Once you've tuned all four strings, play each open string again to double-check their tuning.
  • Make small adjustments as needed to fine-tune each string.

💡 Our tips for tuning your violin:

  • Turn the pegs slowly, by gently pushing into the scroll at the same time. Carefully avoid tightening the strings too much; the tension will cause the string to break and will then need replacing.
  • Be patient, it may take a bit of practice to get the hang of tuning.

How often should I tune my violin?

Tune your violin every time you practise! Violins can be quite sensitive - even a small shift in temperature, humidity, or a gust of wind can throw an instrument out of tune, and it's not your fault.

If you are worried about your violin strings snapping during tuning…

It's a common worry, but not a big issue: consider it a rite of passage! Keep spare strings in your violin case. To avoid string breaks, tune in small increments, check tuning frequently and avoid tuning too high, which adds excessive tension on the strings. Prevent the bridge from collapsing by making adjustments in small increments and monitoring tuning regularly. These precautions minimise the risk of mishaps during the tuning process.

What does Hertz mean?

Simply put, "Hertz" (Hz) measures how many times a sound vibrates in one second. A = 442Hz means the note vibrates 442 times per second.

Historically, musical instruments were tuned at different standard pitches. For instance, Baroque Pitch is A = 415Hz, and in the Classical period it was around A = 428 - 430Hz. A = 432Hz, known as 'Verdi's A', is considered mathematically consistent with the universe, offering softer and brighter tones, said to be clearer and easier on the ears. Today's Concert Pitch is considered to be A = 440Hz.

Embora possa ser mais adequado para músicos experientes, você tem a opção de ajustar o valor em Hertz do nosso afinador para atender às suas necessidades específicas. Para iniciantes, recomendamos também pedir dicas para o seu professor!

Tune your violin and start playing!

Your violin is all tuned up and ready to go! At Tomplay, we have a diverse selection of violin sheet music that caters for all tastes and skill levels, with accompanying backing tracks included.

Discover thousands of sheet music arrangements for the violin with high-quality audio accompaniment tracks. Our sheet music catalogue for the violin contains numerous violin-piano duets with accompanying parts for piano, trios, quartets and quintets, with the possibility of taking out the violin part in order to play along with the rest of the ensemble, as well as several pieces with an orchestral accompaniment.

Whether you enjoy playing classical, pop, rock, jazz or film scores, choose from more than 2,000 backing tracks arranged for violinists of every level, from beginner to pro. It's the end of low-quality MIDI sound and hello to sonorous inspiration! All our scores contain accompaniment backing tracks, expertly recorded by professional musicians, or performers licensed with our partner, Deutsche Grammophon.


  • No more low-quality MIDI playback: Tomplay gives you access to more than 80,000 music scores that contain high-quality recordings to accompany you.
  • Ajuste o Andamento: Os usuários têm a possibilidade de modificar o andamento dos nossos acompanhamentos de áudio, personalizando a prática musical para se adequar ao seu nível.
  • Grave sua performance: O aplicativo oferece uma ferramenta de gravação, permitindo que os usuários gravem suas próprias performances e analisem sua evolução.
  • Ferramenta de anotação: Músicos podem adicionar anotações na partitura, como digitações e arcadas, e podem destacar passagens, acrescentar textos e muito mais.
  • Imprima partituras com suas próprias anotações.
  • Repetição de passagens: Músicos podem tocar certas passagens da música em loop, para uma prática mais focada e eficiente.
  • Utilize o diapasão para verificar a afinação dos instrumentos de corda e sopro.
  • Metrônomo integrado.
  • A live Visual Aid to show placement on the fingerboard for individual notes, while learning a new piece.

Tomplay is an application trusted by more than one million musicians in 157 countries. Be inspired to join us and let the music begin! 🎻🎶

Descubra o Tomplay

Looking for inspiration to play music on your violin?

You can explore our blog where you will find many articles for violinists. We share tips and our recommendations on sheet music to play. From 7 concertos for amateur violinists to 8 beautiful pieces of film music , to 6 violin wedding pieces , there is a lot of content that caters for all tastes and skill levels!

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