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메탈, 중급 2번 (스테인드, Outside)
Two Princes - 원곡 (숙련자)
The Kill (숙련자)
Coming Undone - 원곡 (중급/고급)
The Kids Aren't Alright (쉬움/중급)
Smooth (쉬움)
Outside (쉬움)
The Reason (고급)
Best of You (중급)
The Pretender (초급자)
Two Princes (쉬움)
Here Without You (중급)
The Reason (쉬움)
Here Without You -원곡 버전(고급)
Coming Undone (쉬움)
The Kill (쉬움)
The Kill (중급)
분파 (쉬움/중급)
My Hero (초급자)
Mr. Jones (쉬움)
Best of You (쉬움/중급)
분파 (중급)
Best of You - 원곡 버전 (숙련자)
Why Don't You Get a Job? (초급자)
Bullet in the Head (중급)
Outside (초급자)
San Quentin (초급자)
Bullet in the Head (고급)
Bullet in the Head - 원곡 (숙련자)
The Kill (쉬움/중급)