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La Calinda
Suíte No. 5 em Mi Maior, HWV 430 - IV. The Harmonious Blacksmith
Let It Snow!
Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word
Peça Romântica No. 3 - Romance
Blow Thy Horn Hunter
Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
Fine Knacks for Ladies
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary, Z.860
Air em Dó Maior
Never Weather-Beaten Sail
Now Is the Month of Maying
Sellinger's Round
The Barley Break
Pavana e Duas Galhardas - No. 1 Pavan, The Earl of Salisbury
The Pirates of Penzance – The Policeman's Song
The Western Wynde Mass - Gloria - Tema
Heart of Oak
Música Aquática: Suíte No. 1 em Fá Maior, HWV 348 - VII. Menuet
Sonatina No. 3 em Fá Maior - II. Andante
Sailor's Song
Come Ye Sons of Art
The English Dancing Master - Dance
6 Peças Fáceis, Opus 22 – No. 1 Andante
Pompa e Circunstância Marcha No. 4 - Song of Liberty
When Daisies Pied
When May is in his Prime
Wolsey's Wilde
Linden Lea