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The Devil Among the Tailors (Tenorsaxophon)
Des Schäfers Hey (Tenorsaxophon)
Overture in C-Dur für Harmoniemusik, Opus 24 (Tenorsaxophon)
An eine wilde Rose (Tenorsaxophon)
Hungarian Romance - The Sleigh Ride (Tenorsaxophon)
Oktett in F-Dur, D. 803 - IV. Thema (Tenorsaxophon)
When Daisies Pied (Wenn Primeln gelb) (Alt-Saxophon)
When Daisies Pied (Wenn Primeln gelb) (Tenorsaxophon)
When May is in his Prime (Alt-Saxophon)
When May is in his Prime (Tenorsaxophon)
Ländler (Alt-Saxophon)
Ländler (Tenorsaxophon)
Pierrot (Alt-Saxophon)
Pierrot (Tenorsaxophon)
Wolsey's Wilde (Tenorsaxophon)
The Apple from the Orchard
Riding on a Donkey (Tenorsaxophon)
5 mystische Gesänge - IV. The Call (Tenorsaxophon)
Album für die Jugend, Opus 68, Buch II - Nr. 21 * * * (Tenorsaxophon)
Linden Lea (Tenorsaxophon)
Banaha (Tenorsaxophon)
Banaha (Alt-Saxophon)
Sweet Kitty (Tenorsaxophon)
Sweet Kitty (Alt-Saxophon)
The Fascinator (Der Bezauberer) (Alt-Saxophon)
The Fascinator (Der Bezauberer) (Tenorsaxophon)
The Black Cat Rag (Alt-Saxophon)
The farmer – The Ploughboy (Alt-Saxophon)
The farmer – The Ploughboy (Tenorsaxophon)
Album of selected pieces arranged for piano – Nr. 10 Tower Hill (Tenorsaxophon)