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L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55 - Come and trip it - ALT
L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55 - Come and trip it - BASS
Semele, HWV 58 - Where'er you walk - BARITON
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 - There the brisk sparkling nectar drain - SOPRAN
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 - There the brisk sparkling nectar drain - TENOR
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 - There the brisk sparkling nectar drain - MEZZOSOPRAN
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 - There the brisk sparkling nectar drain - ALT
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 - There the brisk sparkling nectar drain - BASS
Piangerò la sorte mia - Arie Antiche - BARITON
O hätt‘ ich Jubals Harf - SOPRAN
O hätt‘ ich Jubals Harf - TENOR
O hätt‘ ich Jubals Harf - BARITON
O hätt‘ ich Jubals Harf - ALT
O hätt‘ ich Jubals Harf - BASS
Alcina, HWV 34 - Verdi prati - BARITON
Tolomeo, re d'Egitto (Ptolemäus, König von Ägypten), HWV 25 - Non lo dirò col labbro - TENOR
Tolomeo, re d'Egitto (Ptolemäus, König von Ägypten), HWV 25 - Non lo dirò col labbro - MEZZOSOPRAN
Tolomeo, re d'Egitto (Ptolemäus, König von Ägypten), HWV 25 - Non lo dirò col labbro - BARITON
Tolomeo, re d'Egitto (Ptolemäus, König von Ägypten), HWV 25 - Non lo dirò col labbro - ALT
Tolomeo, re d'Egitto (Ptolemäus, König von Ägypten), HWV 25 - Non lo dirò col labbro - BASS
Chi sprezzando il sommo bene - Arie Antiche - BARITON
Serse, HWV 40 - Se bramate d'amar, chi vi sdegna - BARITON
Theodora, HWV 68 - Oh, that I on wings could rise - TENOR
Theodora, HWV 68 - Oh, that I on wings could rise - ALT
Theodora, HWV 68 - Oh, that I on wings could rise - BASS
Semele, HWV 58 - O sleep, why dost thou leave me? - MEZZOSOPRAN
Semele, HWV 58 - O sleep, why dost thou leave me? - BARITON
Serse - Overture: Ombra Mai Fu - SOPRANO
Serse - Overture: Ombra Mai Fu - TENOR
Theodora, HWV 68 - Wie mit rosigen Schritten der Morgen - SOPRAN