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Living in America (fortgeschrittene Stufe, Tenorsax)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax, Karen Souza)
Sunny (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
All of Me (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
A Song For You (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
What's Going On (Sehr leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
She Said (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Leave the Door Open (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Hello (Anfänger, Tenorsax)
Living in America (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Tenorsax, Karen Souza)
If I Ain't Got You (Mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
Just the Two of Us (Anfänger, Sopransax)
One in a Million You (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
I Just Called To Say I Love You (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine (Sehr Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax, Creedence)
When a Man Loves a Woman (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopran Sax)
Back to Black (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Sopran Sax)
Respect (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
Respect (Sehr leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Sexual Healing (Sehr leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Smooth Operator (Leichte Stufe, Sopransax)
Today I Sing the Blues (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
Oh My God (Leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
The Closer I Get to You (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Break My Soul (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
I'm Every Woman (Leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
What You Won't Do for Love (Mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
So Amazing (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
So Amazing (Leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)