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Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Grease - You're the One That I Want (Leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Tusa (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Tenorsax)
Gangsta's Paradise (Anfänger, Alt-Sax) - Vereinfachte Version
Under The Influence (Mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Tenorsax)
Under The Influence (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
Stay (Sehr leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Tusa (Leichte/mittlere Stufe, Tenorsax)
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Sehr leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Under The Influence (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
Gangsta's Paradise (Leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Tusa (Leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Gangsta's Paradise (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
Stay (Mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
Tusa (Anfänger, Alt-Sax)
Grease - You're the One That I Want (Sehr leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
Grease - You're the One That I Want (Mittlere Stufe, Sopransax)
Grease - You're the One That I Want (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Mittlere/fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)
Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) (Leichte Stufe, Tenorsax)
Gangsta's Paradise (Sehr leichte Stufe, Alt-Sax)
Under The Influence (Fortgeschrittene Stufe, Sopransax)
Gangsta's Paradise (Anfänger, Tenorsax) - Vereinfachte Version