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Rigoletto - Akt III, Aria von der Herzog «La donna è mobile» - TENOR
Lady Madonna
Turandot - Nessun Dorma - MEZZOSOPRAN
Do I Wanna Know?
How Great Thou Art
Ta reine
Pour les enfants du monde entier
Hamilton - The Room Where it Happens
Hamilton - Satisfied
Quand les hommes vivront d'amour
Free Fallin'
Hall of Fame
Welcome to the Black Parade
James Bond 007 - We Have All the Time in the World
I'm Outta Love
Sensitive Kind
Les Élucubrations
I Will Follow Him
Je cours
Say It Ain't So, Joe
Lady D'Arbanville
Smalltown Boy
Living in a Ghost Town
Die Reifeprüfung - Mrs. Robinson
Enjoy the Silence